Mysterious Package Company and Narrative of Objects


Last year, I interviewed the spokesman of the Mysterious Package Company about their Kickstarted project The Century Beast. The company was doing a form of object-based storytelling that struck me as really fascinating, though — as they also encouraged secrecy around their projects — it was hard to get exact details about what one could expect.

Since then, their Kickstarter has been successful and they’ve been sending out Century Beast packages. I bought a Bronze version of that experience for myself, less deluxe but also less exceptionally expensive than some of the other tiers of the experience. I’ve also heard from a few other people who bought MPC products after reading my interview. I’ve come away thinking the idea is still pretty interesting but that the execution is a mix of excellent, the less-than-excellent, and the problematic.

I’d like to talk about all of that, though I’m conscious of the need not to spoil too much, so I’ll avoid specifics as I do when writing about escape rooms.

I’ll start with the problematic first. A few weeks ago I heard from IF author and reviewer Lynnea Glasser that she’d ordered the Mysterious Package Company’s King in Yellow package and that she’d been distressed to find that it contained some casual racism, and that she hadn’t gotten any response at all when contacting the company about her experience.

By email she filled me in a little more about that: at a couple of points, the story uses non-western ethnicity as a marker of other-worldly evil. That’s a common trope in the Lovecraft stories from which the experience may be drawing, but Lovecraft’s wild racism is, I think it’s fair to say, not a feature many of us want to see emulated and perpetuated in contemporary Lovecraftian stories. (I forget to what degree Chambers deploys racist tropes; I recall more classism, off the top of my head.)

(Obligatory reminder: I am not saying everything problematic must be Purged With Fire. I am also not saying it’s impossible to like things that participate in these problems. At the same time I think it’s worth pointing them out.)

So there’s that. Another thing I’ve been hearing, and seeing firsthand, is that MPC’s published delivery timelines tend to be optimistic. Things often arrive weeks or months later than the initial schedule suggests they will. If you want to time something for a loved one’s birthday or Christmas present, and it’s important for that to be timely, this may not be the route for you. I’m personally probably more tolerant about this than some people would be. I’m old enough to remember a time when, if you ordered something from a company far away, you could expect it to turn up in four to six weeks, not the next morning via Amazon Prime. And I realize that the latter form of rapid delivery is the result of an extremely automated and corporate system that is not necessarily so easy to emulate if you’re a tiny company, and especially if you’re a tiny company making unusual hard-to-source objects. But if you’re placing orders, you might still want to know.

All that said, the packages I got had a number of impressive aspects. There were quite a number of different documents, on different papers, stylized and weathered as circumstances required. There were period magazine pages with advertisements lightly parodying the advertisements of the time. There was a small physical prop that felt solid and beautiful. There were some interactive elements too — sealed packets that had to be opened, an audio recording on a USB stick — and these gave the transgressive thrill that always comes from art you have to damage to experience.

Having at one point done some IF feelie development of my own (and much less skillfully), I recognize that a huge amount of work must have gone into designing and sourcing each of these pieces. The production values on these could out-compete most of the Infocom feelies, though I would say that Infocom feelies with a few exceptions tended not to take themselves at all seriously, which gave a very different tone to the experience. A possible exception were the feelies for Deadline, which I remember regarding with a reverential awe when I was a child because I was convinced this was exactly what police evidence would really be like.

I did find myself wishing for more from the Mysterious Package Company’s writing, though. The story told through all these objects was a story of characters in peril — I don’t think that constitutes much of a spoiler — and despite the meticulous work that had gone into creating their paper and penmanship, I was less persuaded by what they wrote. The characters and their situations felt like tropes only lightly inhabited by personality or uniqueness. In journal articles and letters and audio tracks, they described things happening that would indeed be very upsetting, but there wasn’t much by way of subtext or characteristic detail; I didn’t feel like I knew these people enough to be invested in their dangers. They were A Vacationer, A Loving Father, and so on.

I’m afraid I’m not alone here; Room Escape Artist’s review of the writing in King in Yellow is not encouraging either. (Did MPC perhaps underestimate how much writing skill would actually be needed for this project? They wouldn’t be the first in the games/puzzle space to do so.)

Then there’s the structure of the thing. This may just be the fact that I got the Bronze package and not the Silver or Gold which would have contained more mailings and more things, but I also felt that the set was a oddly distributed in terms of pacing. There were two mailings, one containing very little information and barely enough to provoke my curiosity about the story, and the other a crate containing all the other documents and objects all at once. Possibly the Gold experience — which I believe is the thing now sold on MPC’s website if you were to order The Century Beast from scratch — would be more intriguingly paced. Effectively, since these packages are not relying on the recipient solving puzzles to get the main sense of the story, they’re using real-time (mailing) delays instead, but the story needs more than two revelation points to work best.

Finally, and again I’m not sure whether this is a quirk of my own experience, there was something about the items I was sent that suggested to me that I might find an online tie-in. But investigating this led me nowhere. Did I read in too much, or not enough? I don’t know, but the overall feeling was a bit of a let-down. (There was an email address I could have tried emailing, too, but somehow that seemed like an extremely unnerving thing to do, so I refrained.)

I hope this doesn’t sound like a completely unalleviated string of complaints. My feelings are probably best described as Very Mixed. I don’t expect to order any more mysterious packages soon: they’re very expensive, especially if ordered to the UK, and relative to the story provided. On the other hand, I have lots of love for the object-manufacturing skill and for the basic concept of this.

I hope they will iron out their delivery process a bit, and bring on more writing support — ideally someone who will bring a critical eye to the implicit prejudices in whatever source material they may currently be adapting.

20 thoughts on “Mysterious Package Company and Narrative of Objects”

    1. Heh, they are!

      What actually happened: I had this post written and queued to go out next week; then I saw your post and thought “I should really add a cross-link to that post”; then, as I was doing that, I realized I probably don’t have time to finish the post I was originally planning to put live today, so I just went ahead and put this live instead.

      1. Too funny. I’ve had mine written for a few weeks and kept pushing.

        I love what MPC was trying to do, and so wish that they had nailed the story. The concept is great.

      2. Yeah, I agree. There’s great skill going into the physical objects, and in that sense I don’t even think the prices are that absurd — I mean, these are intensely detailed items that must take a huge amount of work to make.

        But it’s hard for me to get excited about a mystery or horror story unless I care about the characters, and neither the structure nor the writing were really conducive to that. And at least in mine, we didn’t really find out a huge amount of new information. You start out knowing there’s Something Scary Out There, and then you get a few more details about what it does, but the ending is mostly also Yup, Something Scary is Out There.

  1. Chambers is pretty problematic, by which I mean “incredibly racist.” Well, I didn’t really get past the first paragraph of the King In Yellow, but that’s because it went like this:

    “Toward the end of the year 1920 the Government of the United States had practically completed the programme, adopted during the last months of President Winthrop’s administration. The country was apparently tranquil….[large snip] We had profited well by the latest treaties with France and England; the exclusion of foreign-born Jews as a measure of self-preservation, the settlement of the new independent negro state of Suanee, the checking of immigration, the new laws concerning naturalization, and the gradual centralization of power in the executive all contributed to national calm and prosperity. When the Government solved the Indian problem and squadrons of Indian cavalry scouts in native costume were substituted for the pitiable organizations tacked on to the tail of skeletonized regiments by a former Secretary of War, the nation drew a long sigh of relief.”

    I’m guess the bit about Suanee is more like the early American Colonization Society people who wanted to send free black people somewhere else than like Marcus Garvey. But even if you put the most charitable reading on that, and on whatever the hell he’s saying about the “Indian problem,” the “exclusion of foreign-born Jews as a measure of self-preservation” is pretty unambiguous.

    1. This is all narration, though, and the narrator of “The Repairer of Reputations” is entirely unreliable. A few paragraphs later he says “The fall from my horse had fortunately left no evil results; on the contrary it had changed my whole character for the better.” (he’s wrong) and then praises the “Lethal Chambers” that the government has erected everywhere so that people can commit suicide whenever they feel like it.

      I couldn’t say about Chambers being racist or not, but in this story, everything the narrator is happy about comes across as pretty horrific.

      1. OK–that makes sense. (I should say that I didn’t give up right at that paragraph–I found it hard to read very far into the prose for other reasons.)

        One thing that crossed me up is that the sentiments expressed are so obviously repugnant that it doesn’t seem like a setup for the slow reveal that the narrator is unreliable… though I guess establishing the narrator as a horrible person from the outset isn’t unheard of.

  2. Found your article via a link from roomescapeartist… my girlfriend and I backed the Century Beast at the Diamond Level and still have a few mailings to go (and they have of course missed their expected shipping dates by a significant margin as always).

    We haven’t had any issues with the quality of the individual mailing pieces as they do feel and look authentic (even if you can tell they are printed & not handwritten), but there is certainly a lack of story – the mailings themselves just haven’t captivated us in any way. Based on the testimonials and the description we were expecting to be eagerly awaiting every mailing and rushing to tear open each package to devour the contents, but instead we find ourselves forgetting (“Oh its a MPC mailing”) and putting it aside to revisit at a less busy time.

    1. I ordered Tempus Fugit for my son who lives in Taiwan (I’m in Canada). Everything was going great. Mailings getting to him in a rough approximation of their stated times and answers to queries were quick and polite. And then … a dead stop. The reveal. The most important item. They were to send it one week after they shipped the package. It didn’t go. I emailed and was promised it would be sent ‘next week’. It didn’t go. I emailed them again and was promised it would be sent next week. It didn’t go. I emailed again, a little more discouraged, and was promised it would be sent next week. It didn’t go. Finally, they offered to EMAIL the reveal, which I accepted. At that time they said they would still mail the paper reveal … next week. It didn’t go. I seriously lost faith after so many unfulfilled promises. The reveal did finally get mailed, but the empty promises put quite the kibosh on my initial excitement over the company. They offered me $100 on any purchase through The Mysterious Package Company, but I’m really not sure I trust them enough to take them up on that. Too bad, because I was quite enthusiastic to start with. My son’s reaction to experience? It felt to him that there was no completion to the story … kind of left him feeling the experience was unfulfilled.

      1. Purchased for my parents, got mailing one and two, then no three. Then they started asking who sent the stuff to them and it was not so interesting anymore. Then after contacting the company the resent the third package showing as lost in the USPS mail system and the reveal literally just said that we sent the mystery stuff, huh? We are all left shaking our head, seeing no puzzles to solve and no end to the story. I would Never spend money again with this company. Maybe we’re all just stupid or maybe something else was missing, who knows….

  3. I know from receiving their Curios and Conundrums newsletter that they are often fond of hiding an extra layer of puzzle in their work, but nothing I’ve found indicates that one loses out by not analyzing everything with red yarn and a stretch of wall.

  4. I’ve just come across MPC and have been intrigued, as well as by the possibility of receiving one of these stories, by the possibility (if there is one) of getting involved somehow. Would you still have a contact point with your interviewee? I’m an editorial writer, and I would love to be part of a more creative project. I know that this question is very unorthodox, but I thought I would try to ask, with all due respect.
    Also, did you ever find out if there is an online tie in? I have not experienced any of the stories but I was looking around the website (for a ‘contact us’ page) and found The Vault.

  5. I’m late to this post, but I appreciate the info greatly. I missed out on this when it was on Kickstarter, but I have also become increasingly skeptical of anyone hitting their promised delivery dates. And it sounds like this was a great letdown in terms of writing quality also. Still, I can appreciate it’s not an easy task to undertake. I’m also fascinated by the old Infocom Feelies and Dennis Wheatly crime dossiers and wonder what the best way is to incorporate such ephemeral items into a modern story. If you have not seen the JJ Abrams / Doug Dorst book “S” it is worth taking a look at.

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