IF Comp 2015 review collective

As part of an ongoing project to bring more voices to the IF Comp conversation, I’ve been reaching out to players and authors who aren’t part of the intfiction community, and also to some veteran intfiction denizens who might not have time to cover the whole comp but who are likely to have especially useful feedback in particular areas. Some of those reviews are hosted here, and others on the reviewers’ own sites (where, with luck, they may catch the eye of more and other potential players). The purpose of this post is just to round these up; I’ll edit in more links as they occur.

So far we have:

Brain Guzzlers from Beyond!, reviewed by Janice M. Eisen
Cape, reviewed by Harry Giles
Capsule II, reviewed by Susan Patrick
Crossroads, reviewed by JJ Gadd
Darkiss, reviewed by Lucian Smith
Duel, reviewed by Yoon Ha Lee
Ether, reviewed by Lucian Smith
Final Exam, reviewed by Duncan Stevens
Forever Meow, reviewed by Instructor Dad
Grandma Bethlinda’s Variety Box, reviewed by Justin DeVesine
Kane County, reviewed by S.A.
Koustrea’s Contentment, reviewed by Duncan Stevens
Life on Mars?, reviewed by Stephen Granade
Map, reviewed by Duncan Stevens
Midnight. Swordfight. reviewed by Justin DeVesine
Nowhere Near Single, reviewed by Liz Albl
Pit of the Condemned, reviewed by Robb Sherwin
Switcheroo, reviewed by Lucian Smith
Untold Riches, reviewed by Brendan Desilets

and here’s Meg Jayanth on Summit among other things, sort of as a result of this project, if not strictly part of it.