Inform Workshop Concept, Take Two

Matt Arnold is considering running an Inform workshop at Penguicon. He writes:

It seems like a perfect fit to run an Inform workshop during Penguicon, a science fiction and open source software convention that I run in Michigan. The good thing about that arrangement is that the convention covers the overhead, like facility rental, computer lab, and audio-visual equipment…

One of the keys of creating this event would be to collect the locations of those who would be interested in attending, and how far they would be willing to travel to it.

People who might be interested in such an event should write to Matt at

5 thoughts on “Inform Workshop Concept, Take Two”

  1. Note (since I don’t think I’ve mentioned it anywhere) that I will be attending Penguicon, and taking part in a couple of IF program items. So I will be hanging around the sidelines of this workshop, if it occurs.

    1. Andrew,

      We’re strictly talking about a May 2010 workshop, when I will not be Penguicon Conchair. With ten days left until this year’s convention (which required eighteen months of planning), there is no time to effectively publicize an InForm workshop for this year. That is even if my time were not consumed by organizing the overall convention. I feel flattered that people are confused about that point, but I don’t work miracles on quite that level. :) So, just a note of clarification.

  2. Hmmm… Given Aric’s positive reaction, I can see no harm in writing “InForm Round Table” on the whiteboard as a spontaneous birds-of-a-feather session. This year we have blocked out a function space room for several hours on Saturday night, for the Open Spaces conference model. If Aric and Zarf and I want to shoot the breeze about InForm for a while, we certainly can make a point to meet up while there!

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